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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Our Florida Beach Adventure - Conclusion

"I'm so hungry, I could each a sandwich from a gas station!" ~ Clark W. Griswold

As vacations tend to do, this one passed much too quickly. As I sit looking out at the lake, Naples and the Edgewood seem so far away. But we sure had a great time!

We left Naples in a downpour just after 7:00 Friday morning. Aside from a brief traffic jam for construction near Tampa, the drive was completely uneventful and we arrived at DeLisa’s aunt’s home in Lumberton, MS at about 7:30 Friday night. We enjoyed a nice visit and a good night sleep. Lanelle prepared a delicious quiche and some cinnamon rolls for breakfast and we were back on the road at 10:30. One stop in Ruston, LA for gas and Sonic was all we needed and we arrived at the lake house at 5PM – a bit road weary but happy to be home. DeLisa and Olivia took the van and headed to Keller; Keith and I stayed at the lake so I could mow. Mowing completed, Keith and I are ready to head home as well.

Although short, this vacation allowed me what I needed – a break from my daily routine to relax and unwind. I find myself this morning ready for “normal” – my church, my home, and my workplace. I will approach each with renewed energy as I replay the soothing waves and the beautiful sunsets in my mind’s soundtrack.

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